Key West Eddie and the Fish in the Sea


Publisher: C. E. Mac Evoy
Publication date: July 9, 2013
Language: English
Pages: 48

The tale you are about to read is 100% guaranteed to delight the reader, and is mostly, entirely true. Eddie, a 10-year-old boy, is fond of fishing off piers, surfing big waves, bicycling around the city of Key West, and investigating plant and wildlife.

Eddie is energetic, always optimistic, and a very special and endearing young man. He shows the reader, how through his iron-clad faith and magical ingenuity, great things happen.

This book introduces Key West Eddie to young readers. After meeting Eddie at his delightful and lushly gardened home, we then find him
re-building a boat one hot, summer Key West day. The reader joins Eddie on a little adventure of boat building, cycling through a seaside town, and meeting a new and exciting friend at sea. That friend is named Mr. Earl, and he promises the reader a special surprise.

And keep your eyes open if you get down to the sunny city of Key West, Florida – you might just get lucky and have what we call β€œan Eddie sighting,” which is a very rare and most rewarding experience!